

Jenny and I met months ago and after a brief tour of the town she had Rob show me a few houses.  Stranger in a strange land and lots of snow that night, Rob immediately made me feel welcome and comfortable.  He stayed in touch, sending us housing info and anything else we needed for the next 2 months.  I arrived here the end of February and Rob was ready to hit the ground running and get us in a place quickly, figuring our house in Louisiana would sell quickly.  A week later, COVID19 hit and the world changed.  Real estate in Louisiana came to a grinding halt and the landscape of finding something here became that much more difficult.  Over the next 3 months (yes, that long), Rob continued to remain a rock for us.  He stayed in touch with me, my wife, my Louisiana realtor, and anyone else he needed to.  He did this, NOT to make a sale, but TO ensure that my family’s move to here and the transition to a new home was as painless as possible and that we were in a home that made us feel like it was not the right house, but the right home for us.  During this time I have got to know his family, he knows my family, having been through a long family separation, COVID19,  and even a tropical storm (I think he checked on my family during that time more than I did), seeing our country change, going through protests and riots, business closing, laying off thousands and furloughing thousand more, and not knowing if any of that would expand during this area.  Every step of the way, through all of this, Rob remained solid.  My sounding board for when my frustrations peaked, my reassurance for when things got tight down the stretch, and my guide though countless houses that I wanted to look at.  In short, I would sum it up this way….when I hear people talking about looking at or buying a house, my response is not, “I know a great realtor” but rather “I have a great friend that happens to be a great realtor.”